Stain Protection
The process of removing tough stains and spots from your carpets, area rugs, or upholstery might require more than just an ordinary detergent. You may need specially formulated solutions to deal with the effects of stains on your fabrics.
Removing stains throughout your home or office in a timely manner will help to mitigate the following:
- Prevent permanent staining to your carpets, area rugs, upholstery, and other fabrics.
- Restore the appearance of your carpets, furniture, fabrics, and upholstery.
Using home remedies and regular cleaning solutions may help remove certain stains, however these formulas might not be the answer to tackling tough spots. It is important to take urgent steps to prevent ordinarily removable stains from becoming permanent.

Here are a few steps you can take to remove stains successfully:
- Identify the type of stain you want to remove.
- Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the stained area.
- Dab the stained area with a clean white terry cloth.
- Be careful when using home remedies to avoid bleaching your fabrics.
Stain removal might seem like an easy task, but the truth is that it’s not. You have to establish the type of stain you are dealing with before applying the appropriate solutions. At West Coast Restoration & Cleaning, we are experts in stain removal.